If I have one sentence to describe myself it would be ' A passionate Digital    marketing technologist, Content creator, Blogger & YouTuber. I find delight in  enlightening the vox populi (population) on trending and unexplored things,  places, objects, services to serve for the good and well-being of all and to  make  life a tad easy. Occasionally, I doodle and illustrate on things which matter for my overall digital growth. I believe in the philosophy of 'If it has to be seen, it first needs to get discovered'. After all, is this not the elusive thing behind which all our oversight lies. We need attention, and the way to gain it is by discoverability. Same holds true in the digital world. The online assets needs to get unraveled, then only the clicks and Impression will make sense. 

 I prefer to uncover the things which are hidden in plain sight and I do that by disseminating content chunks and visual graphics on the topic. 

"This is my brief BIO"